Mint and Sell NFTs

Multi-sig mint: Personal mint and Create a sales page

Personal Mint

Personal mint is minting the NFT or FT manually without having to create a sales page. This is priced differently from the collection sale, with a lower fee. To execute this function, go to My Projects ➡ Manage Tokens ➡ Find the token you want to mint ➡ Press Mint button at the right side of screen ➡ Input the recipient's address and sign the transaction.

Collection Sale

This is one helpful feature for NFT project creators; they will be able to set up their own customizable sales page for their project or collection. Setting up is pretty straight-forward and easy to understand. The mint time selection is set to UTC. Note: Before creating a sales page, your collection must already be uploaded on the My Projects tab and your Whitelist ready. You'll also need to Deposit the required AWOO on the Pricing/Deposit page first. At the moment, the token fee is 5 AWOO for each NFT, which will be adjusted if the token price increases. For example, if you have 5k NFTs in your project that you want to sell, you should deposit 25k AWOO prior to creating the sales page.

Token Unit / Add Token Mint Price

We've integrated a feature where creators can optionally add any token as an additional price for their collection sale. If you're mint price is only in ADA, just leave Token Unit blanked. Here's an example: ($AWOO) Policy ID + Asset Name: 09f5f55fcad17503e6b7acc81de7c80f84b76e76d17085f0e32f1ce2 + 41574f4f The input for Token Unit should be: 09f5f55fcad17503e6b7acc81de7c80f84b76e76d17085f0e32f1ce241574f4f

If a token mint price is added, there is an additional 1.2 ADA (average) paid by the minters per mint transaction that is sent to the project creator’s wallet. The reason is that the token and ADA are in 2 UTXO, and around 1.2 ADA is required for the token to be sent.

Sales Page:

At XFORGE, we provide a simple and clean sales page for NFT creators that can be set up effortlessly. As we aim to be the leading mint service, we prioritize a fair minting process for your community and block any bot attacks as much as possible.

Mint guidelines:

  • Each wallet can only make one mint transaction at a time.

  • The mint or sales page will reload automatically when a mint phase starts.

  • hCaptcha will reset every 2 minutes or if the sales page is reloaded.

  • Captcha is very helpful to prevent or minimize bot attacks during a hype sale.

  • Mobile minting is possible using the Vespr Wallet in-app browser.

  • You can use Flint on mobile if you generate a deep link using the mint link.

  • Reserved NFTs from a failed transaction will automatically be available again after 20 minutes.

  • Hardware wallets are supported but we still recommend using a standard wallet.

  • Some ADA are stocked with the NFTs in your wallet; make sure you have enough ADA for those and for the mint price. An error will occur, which will prevent you from minting when your ADA is not enough or when you have hundreds or thousands of NFTs while your ADA balance is low.

Last updated